ScrumImpulz 2025: Master the Flow! Konferencia a workshopy nielen o Agile so svetovými spíkrami. 14.-15.5.2025
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Agile transformation


Agile company

Increase the organization’s flexibility by implementing agile principles and practices and set its functioning in meaningful ways that enable the quicker delivery of meaningful products.

For whom
Teams and departments. Small and large companies. IT and non-IT.
According to the agreed scope and number of teams. 3-12 months.
Onsite/online, according to the agreement.
Our approach


Long-term transformation program for organizations aiming to support your business goals through agile principles and practices.

As senior consultants in agile methodology, we understand that every organization is unique, so we have designed our program to be adaptable to your specific needs.

The transformation program will impact the company in more than 20 perspectives. The exact scope of activities is tailored to the organization’s current state, goals, and existing issues.

Our program is divided into two main parts: organization and teams. We believe that successful agile transformation requires a holistic approach that encompasses not only teams but also the organization’s way of working, its structure, processes, product portfolio, principles, and values.



Ako to

SAFe transformácia prebieha ako agilný projekt.

Pracuje na nej váš interný tím (tzv. LACE tím) so skupinou ScrumDesk konzultantov, ktorí budú aktívne zapojení do procesu zmeny.

Budeme pracovať s backlogom SAFe transformácie. Nastavíme spolu ciele transformácie a vyberieme najdôležitejšie problémy organizácie.

Budeme plánovať štvrťročné aj dvojtýždenné iterácie. Budeme sa pravidelne stretávať ohľadom realizácie. Budeme transparentne komunikovať s ľuďmi, ktorých sa transformácia dotkne.




Recognize and direct

For starters, we need to get to know your organisation.

Its history, vision, mission and strategy, goals.

Organisational structure. Product portfolio Roles and Responsibilities. Processes. Technology. Practices Metrics Tools

We will also discuss your company culture and customs.

We will dive into the problems and their root causes that are currently limiting you.

The objective of this activity is to meaningfully set the scope and roadmap for agile transformation.


Transformation Team

Behind every successful change is a strong transformation team.

We will help identify the composition of the transformation team, taking into account objectives and constraints.

Together we will form the core team and other working groups necessary for the implementation of the activities.

We will set up the work process for this team and prepare the necessary working tools and environment.

We identify a Product Owner for the transformation and agree on a Scrum Master to assist the transformation team.


Backlog transformation

Transformation activities will be transparently maintained in the transformation backlog.

The backlog will holistically target over 20 perspectives of the transformation.

Vision, goals, key outcomes, and transformation strategy. Corporate agility. Business agility. . Organizational structure, roles, responsibilities, authorities Education and trainings. Product and project management. Processes. Metrics Tools Support for agile teams. Scaling. Communities of Scrum Masters and Product Owners. Personal mentoring and coaching. Corporate culture. Communication about the change.

The transformation backlog will be continually updated as an artifact used for coordination, planning, and management by the transformation team with the company’s leadership.



Mapping customer journeys, identifying value streams, supporting them with IT systems, teams and people.

Optimization of organizational structure, reorganization into Value Streams supported by multiple teams of teams (ART).

Each team will have a clearly defined purpose, mission, supported products, or valuable parts of them.

We can help you identify the capabilities needed to create a functional product.

Together with you, we will select candidates for the roles of Scrum Master a Product Owner.


Agile Teams

Together, we will identify potential teams that should undergo an agile transformation.

It might be appropriate to restructure your teams. We’ll assist you in their definition, composition based on capabilities, and people, ultimately enabling the company to deliver value more effectively.

Teams will be transformed in an order that best supports the company’s objectives and constraints.

Each team will undergo the Agile Team: Formation training and mentoring program under the supervision of a ScrumDesk mentor. We will involve the Scrum Master and Product Owner in communities.

The state of the transformed team will be continually and transparently evaluated.



We will establish and kickstart your internal communities of Scrum Masters and Product Owners, aimed at supporting a faster and more meaningful adaptation of agile practices within the context of your company.

The goal of these communities will be to set minimum standards and, together with the company’s management, address systemic constraints.



Agile transformation affects not only teams

The success of Agile implementation relies on leadership by personal example.

S teamscrumDesk will assist in implementing these practices at the senior and middle management levels

We will guide the leadership roles of the organization through a mentoring program that prepares them to lead and support agile teams within the context of a value-oriented organization and System Thinking.



A company operating in an agile manner in today’s world must consider a hybrid working environment.

We will assist you in selecting and meaningfully setting up tools for product and project management, such as JIRA or Azure DevOps

We will train your internal employees who will be capable of supporting agile teams in potential further configurations.

Teams will be taught how to use and customize tools considering team rules and the principles given by methodologies.



After the initial transformation of teams, we will direct the company towards further expanding agile practices into additional teams or related roles such as marketing, sales, and operations.

Scaling Agile is a complex program. You can read more about it here.

„What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.“

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our Agiloviny

Don't miss a selection of the best of Agile that our mentors have encountered. Not only from the world of products, development, tips and tricks, but sometimes also humor. We ship regularly, once in a while :) #QualityOverQuantity

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