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Certified ScrumMaster, 10. máj 2016

Počas posledných troch rokov sledujeme rastúci trend ako zamestnávatelia hľadajú scrum mastrov s úspešne absolvovanou certifikáciou Certified ScrumMaster, ktorú udeľuje Scrum Alliance.

Kurz sa uskutoční v anglickom jazyku. Kurz je potrebné dokončiť online certifikačnou skúškou, po ktorej úspešnom absolvovaní účastník získa certifikát a členstvo v Scrum Alliance.

Kde a kedy?

10-11. 5. 2016, 9:00

Bratislava  (konkrétnu lokalitu upresníme)

Tréner: Tomasz de Jastrzebiec Wykowski

Cena: do 29.2.2016: 999 Euro, po tomto termíne 1200 Euro.

Tomasz about the course

The scope of the training is always adjusted to the knowledge and expectations of the participants.Most often it covers the following topics, presented in the form of exercises and discussions in small groups, and short lectures:

  • Introduction and gathering of expectations
  • Iterative approach simulation
  • Agile Manifesto and Agile Mindset
  • Introduction to Scrum
    • Empirical Process Control and Scrum Pillars
  • Scrum Process – Sprint Planning and Execution
  • Scrum Roles and Responsibilities
    • Ideal Product Owner exercise
    • ScrumMaster role
    • Development Team. Self-organization exercise
  • Agile Requirements Management: Product Backlog and User Stories
    • Communication exercise
    • Creation of User Story and Acceptance Criteria exercises
    • Managing Product Backlog – prioritization and refinement
  • Retrospectives
    • Timeline exercise
  • Agile planning and estimating
    • Agile Estimating. Planning Poker exercise
    • Release planning
    • Adapting to change
    • Measuring and reporting progress. Velocity and Burn-down charts
  • What does „Done“ mean?
    • Creating Definition-of-Done exercise
  • Engineering practices and Technical Debt
  • Scrum in Organization. Common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
  • (optionally) Scrum Lego simulation
  • Q & A

All CSM courses are taught by Certified Scrum Trainers. Taking a CSM course, passing the CSM test, and accepting the license agreement designates you as a Certified ScrumMaster, which indicates that you have been introduced to and understand the basic concepts you need to perform as a ScrumMaster or team member on a Scrum team. This course also satisfies two elements of the CSD track: Scrum Introduction and Elective. – See more at: https://www.scrumalliance.org/courses-events/courses/csm/spain/castelldefels/2016/february/20156464-certified-scrummaster#sthash.c3za03CA.dpuf

CertifikáciaScrum Master

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Nenechajte si ujsť výber toho najlepšieho z Agile, s čím sa stretli naši mentori. Nielen zo sveta produktov, vývoja, tipov a trikov, ale občas aj humoru. Posielame pravidelne, raz za občas :) #QualityOverQuantity

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