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Domov / Blog / Certified Scrum Master, 23-24.11.2017, Bratislava
Trainer: Zuzi ŠochováDate: 23-24 November, 2017Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
NOTE: Please note that this training will be in English.
CSM – Certified Scrum Master course is unique opportunity to look at Scrum from the ScrumMaster point of view. You will definitely enjoy it. The course gives participants hands-on experience using Scrum in an interactive form – the training is full of simulations, exercises, group discussions, and games.
We look at Scrum from the ScrumMaster point of view, covering several concepts on how to build a great team, #ScrumMasterWay, and ScrumMaster State of Mind model.
At the end of the training, you will understand fundamentals of Scrum and Agile mindset and culture, learn new principles and get new ideas. You will fully understand the Scrum process, your role as Scrum Master, and will be ready to apply Scrum and Agile principles to your company and environment.
Training is facilitated by the author of popular books The Great ScrumMaster: #ScrumMasterWay and Agilní metody řízení projektů (in Czech).
The class is practical, full of simulations and examples from real life.
Course is for everyone who is currently working, cooperating with Scrum team or planning to implement Scrum in their organization:
After the course, you will get a Scrum Alliance certification – Certified Scrum Master. There are two free attempts to finalize online test at Scrum Alliance website for every CSM course participants included in the price. You have 90 days to pass the online CSM test. To get a passing score, you must correctly answer 24 of the 35 questions. As soon as you pass the online test you will gain the Certified Scrum Master certification.
After the course, you will get photos of flipcharts and can download my Scrum handbook (pdf / epub / mobi).
“Good course, I appreciate a lot of visual explanations, practical examples from real projects, discussions, and simulations. I learned many practical hints which can be applied back at my work. Thank you! “
Tomas, Project Manager
“Thank you for wonderful workshop, I appreciated the practical exercises and examples. “
J.K., ScrumMaster
“Excellent! The trainer has deep knowledge of Scrum and Agile.”
J.T., Director
“Very nice workshop. I especially appreciated practical experiences of the trainer.”
A. R., SW Developer
All CSM courses are taught by Trainers approved by the Scrum Alliance. Taking a CSM course, passing the CSM test, and accepting the license agreement designates you as a Certified ScrumMaster, which indicates that you have been introduced to and understand the basic concepts you need to perform as a ScrumMaster or team member on a Scrum team. This course also satisfies two elements of the CSD track: Scrum Introduction and Elective.
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Nenechajte si ujsť výber toho najlepšieho z Agile, s čím sa stretli naši mentori. Nielen zo sveta produktov, vývoja, tipov a trikov, ale občas aj humoru. Posielame pravidelne, raz za občas :) #QualityOverQuantity