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Základné a nadstavbové vzdelávacie programy pre Scrum Mastrov.
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Domov / Blog / Certified Scrum Master v Bratislave
Aj tento rok organizujeme oficiálny kurz ScrumAlliance Certified Scrum Master. Tento rok ho bude viesť Tomasz de Jastrzebiec Wykowski v anglickom jazyku.
Kurz sa uskutoční:
Do konca marca môžete získať kurz so zľavnenou cenou 999€ bez DPH, neskôr za 1200€ bez DPH.
Tomasz de Jastrzebiec Wykowski is first Certified Scrum Trainer from Poland.
In 2010 he started ProCognita to help IT organizations in their quest for Agile Culture as an independent coach and trainer. He leads training in a light and original way with a large dose of humor.
As a coach he focuses primarily on aspects of human behavior, observing both individual team members and the dynamics of the group.
He continuously expanding his knowledge by attending conferences, local group meetings and courses. On international conferences and local groups he is giving lectures and leading workshops.
He also supports and organizes Agile and Lean events and conferences in Europe. In 2012 he co-founded a local Agile and Lean group – ALE Krakow, the second largest Agile community in Poland, with over 650 members.
[form form-csm]
Scrum is the best known and most frequently used Agile approach, allowing for effective product development. It lets you see what’s really happening, get fast feedback and adapt your practices to get the most of your product with every short increment.
Scrum changes the way of managing software development. Moving away from the traditional, formal management, it emphasizes self-organization of the development team and responding to the customers needs and changes in the environment. Therefore, Scrum Team no longer needs typical project manager, and this place is filled with two new roles – Scrum Master and Product Owner.
Two-day Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) training prepares participants for fulfilling ScrumMaster role. Through interactive exercises they learn Scrum principles and how to efficiently apply them to lead and empower Agile team. Certified Scrum Trainer presents advanced Scrum topics, such as multi-team organizations and explains how to handle challenges the Scrum project encounters.
Help the team members by:– Making sure they’ve all skills and tools necessary to perform their work– Supporting them in self-organization and development– Protecting them from external and internal impediments– Suggesting tools and methods that would improve their productivity– Facilitating the meetings, discussion and conflict– Showing common Agile practices– Explaining how to plan and monitor progress in Sprint– Asking the right questions, so that they can continuously improve their process.
Support Product Owners by:– Identify real Product Owner– Explaining his or her role– Showing the methods of working with Stakeholders and team– Explaining how she or he can benefit from iterative approach– Helping in focusing on most important work to maximize ROI of developed product– Making sure their Product Backlog is always in good shape
Work with organization by:– Showing the benefits of Agile approach– Ensuring the transparency of product and process– Explaining Scrum, Agile values and its consequences for the whole organization– Improve the whole system by focusing on customer value.
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Nenechajte si ujsť výber toho najlepšieho z Agile, s čím sa stretli naši mentori. Nielen zo sveta produktov, vývoja, tipov a trikov, ale občas aj humoru. Posielame pravidelne, raz za občas :) #QualityOverQuantity