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Domov / Blog / How to prepare for Sprint planning well
Sprint planning is one of the most important ceremonies in Scrum project management method. Why run it and how?
Even the Sprint planning ceremony doesn’t seem to be complex, many Agile teams consider it as a waste of time.
„Let’s develop something instead of loosing so much time in the sprint planning.“
This is one of the biggest fails of the scrum team. Well, even in case you apply Kanban and not Scrum. Why?
Yes, it is the key for the great Agile team. As Dan Pink mentioned, an authority, purpose, and mastery are the best inner motivation drivers.
The sprint planning ceremony helps the team understand the purpose of the Sprint, identify how their mastery can grow up and have a feeling of authority to plan and manage professional life.
If the Sprint planning is done well, it leaves the feeling of known targets, the direction, and strategy how to reach them.
The sprint planning session starts by the product owner who introduces sprint goals to the agile team.
How long should the planning be?
The first few sprint plannings take typically 4-6 hours. Maybe it sounds too long and so it is. But it is due to the learning, forming, storming and norming that the team needs to build up. After few such plannings, the sessions will be shorter and shorter.
Two hours are pretty fine for effective sprint planning session.
In reality, great agile teams are already aware of sprint scope in the sprint planning as they held sprint pre-planning session in the previous sprint. There were user stories prepared or questioned enough to find user stories which are not ready and can’t be slotted to the next sprint without further elaboration.
Some teams mark them as ready and estimate story points.
With the sprint backlog prepared that way, the team can focus in the Sprint planning session on the breakdown of user stories into subtasks, estimate them or assign them (if it is wanted). Plus evidence them in an electronic tool.
Tip: Always prepare the Sprint backlog and subtasks on physical Kanban board first to concentrate on the solution and building up agreements in the team.Once you are done, write them into an electronic tool. It is much faster approach as you do not loose a time on the tool, but on brainstorming itself.
Tip: Always prepare the Sprint backlog and subtasks on physical Kanban board first to concentrate on the solution and building up agreements in the team.
Once you are done, write them into an electronic tool. It is much faster approach as you do not loose a time on the tool, but on brainstorming itself.
This is how planning can be definitely done in two hours.
Before the Sprint planning the Product owner should:
If you use an electronic tool, you probably have your sprint backlog ready in the tool. And that is perfect!
But for the Sprint planning, if your team is collocated, always print out the cards. Let the team to brainstorm user stories, not just to observe or play with the tool. They are in the workshop to create a plan together!
Once all user stories are broken into subtasks and they are estimated, only then all team members should rewrite tasks into the tool. Not just ScrumMaster.
It is agile team’s work, they should do that. The product owner should add Acceptance subtasks.
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