ScrumImpulz 2019: Martin Kubik

ScrumImpulz 2019: Martin Kubik

Autor Dušan Kocúrek

We are happy announce Martin Kubik, CIO at Tatra banka, as a speaker on ScrumImpulz 2019....

ScrumImpulz 2019: Andrea Provaglio

ScrumImpulz 2019: Andrea Provaglio

Autor Dušan Kocúrek

Let's join us to hear the wisdom and experience about Agile shared by famous Andrea Provaglio. ScrumImpulz 2019, May 30,...

ScrumImpulz 2019: Peter Benkovič

ScrumImpulz 2019: Peter Benkovič

Autor Dušan Kocúrek

Peter Benkovic has been on a side of teams for many years. Agile and especially Human side of Agile hit him. You can meet...

ScrumImpulz 2019: Silvana Wasitova

ScrumImpulz 2019: Silvana Wasitova

Autor Dušan Kocúrek

It has been ages since we, from ScrumDesk, attended and sponsored the first year of Agile Prague conference. Dozens of speakers,...

ScrumImpulz 2019 conference: Jorgen Hesselberg

ScrumImpulz 2019 conference: Jorgen Hesselberg

Autor Dušan Kocúrek

Eight years ago I had a super great opportunity to help NAVTEQ (today is known as HERE) company go through...

Siedmy ročník ScrumImpulz, konferencie o Agile. 30.5.2019, Bratislava

Siedmy ročník ScrumImpulz, konferencie o Agile. 30.5.2019, Bratislava

Autor Dušan Kocúrek

Aj tento rok vás pozývame na ScrumImpulz, konferenciu o Agile, Scrum, Kanban a ďalších agilných praktikách....

J. B. Rainsberger v Košiciach už o dva týždne

J. B. Rainsberger v Košiciach už o dva týždne

Autor ScrumDesk

Spoločnosť SIEMENS Healthineers  prináša do Košíc J.B. Rainsberger, jedného z najznámejších propagátorov...

Predstavujeme spíkra ScrumImpulz: Marina Schiffer, Jeden tím – jeden cieľ. Bez dôvery nebudete úspešní

Predstavujeme spíkra ScrumImpulz: Marina Schiffer, Jeden tím – jeden cieľ. Bez dôvery nebudete úspešní

Autor Dušan Kocúrek

Je zavádzanie agile v rodinnej firme jednoduchšie ako v korporáte? Marinine odpovede na túto otázku vás možno...

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Timofey Yevgrashyn, Agility as the way to survive – not just another fundamental study

We introduce #ScrumImpulz 2018 speaker: Timofey Yevgrashyn, Agility as the way to survive – not just another fundamental study

Autor Dušan Kocúrek

An experienced Agile thinker with project management, consulting, coaching and training expertise. His personal experience...

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Naše Agiloviny

Nenechajte si ujsť výber toho najlepšieho z Agile, s čím sa stretli naši mentori. Nielen zo sveta produktov, vývoja, tipov a trikov, ale občas aj humoru. Posielame pravidelne, raz za občas :) #QualityOverQuantity

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