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Základné a nadstavbové vzdelávacie programy pre Scrum Mastrov.
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Príprava Scrum Mastrov pre prácu v škálovanom Agile.
Základné a nadstavbové vzdelávacie programy pre Produktových vlastníkov.
Dlhodobé programy rozvoja schopností produktových vlastníkov a kandidátov na túto rolu.
Pripravte sa na prácu produktového vlastníka škálovaného portfólia produktov.
Vzdelávanie pripravujúce firmu pre zavedenie Agile.
Dlhodobé rozvojové programy pre zavedenie agilných praktík do firmy.
Hodnotenie agility firmy a identifikácia potenciálov pre ďalšie zlepšovanie.
Príprava firmy pre škálovanie agilných praktík.
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Domov / Blog / Training Lean Change Agent in Bratislava, 11.–12. 12. 2017
In today’s environment, change managers are under increasing pressure to deliver change at speed. They’re having to adapt how IT and Digital projects are being delivered around them.
Senior stakeholders are looking to change managers to provide novel approaches to make change happen.
Time to change how we do change.
What do we need instead? For Change Agents, Managers and Leaders, adopting a Lean/Agile approach is one of the most powerful ways for you to achieve change faster and more effectively.
Luis spent most of his career helping organizations become more Agile with different roles in different organizations. After successfully selling his agile consulting company in past, he founded Evolution4All, a fast-growing management consulting company. Evolution4all is focused on helping executives to transform great companies into remarkable ones using Evolution4All´s unique model.
Luis is able to work with all different layers of the organization making himself and his company a perfect partner for any organizational transformation. His competitive advantage is the ability to communicate with everyone in the organization from software developers up to executive managers.
Luis spent beginning of his career in Nokia where he learned the hard way that for a company to survive, it´s not enough to be Agile at the engineering level, but also at the business level. Luis is dedicated helping executives to build organizations that are able to survive and flourish in any market conditions.
Workshops are adapted to sector and attendees’ needs and include topics from the following list:
A minimum of 6 participants is required for a workshop to proceed. Cancellations 7 days before the start date will receive a full refund minus a 10% admin fee. For cancellations less than 7 days before the start date, 100% is non-refundable. Delegate substitution may be made at any time, in this case, please inform us via email. The transfer of a booking to an alternative workshop will be subject to availability. If we cancel a workshop, you will receive a full refund of the workshop fee.
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Nenechajte si ujsť výber toho najlepšieho z Agile, s čím sa stretli naši mentori. Nielen zo sveta produktov, vývoja, tipov a trikov, ale občas aj humoru. Posielame pravidelne, raz za občas :) #QualityOverQuantity